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In The Media

With the help of The Funding Guides, we have created a positive impact for our families that sometimes is shared in the media. The stories below show how we’ve made a difference in the lives of families across the country.

Holiday Adaptive Bike Giveaway

This holiday season, we are teaming up with Project Mobility to make a meaningful impact in the lives of four incredible children. Each one started life in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and their families are all too aware of the astronomical costs involved in providing what their children need to improve their health and quality of life.


We’re working with Project Mobility to make the holidays extra special for these kids and invite you to join us as we gift them each an adaptive bike. Together, we can make a difference, one bike at a time.

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The Rae Strong Foundation began with a family who overcame many obstacles when their daughter spent 115 days in the NICU. Today, they’re helping others who are in the same situation they were.

The Rae Strong Foundation

Kane County Magazine

This feature in the Kane County Magazine recounts how we connect financial resources to families with children who have cancer, autism, and other special needs. The article highlights the "lightbulb moment” that inspired Tammy and helped her create The Funding Project.

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